Your agent will ask you to sign a contract with them early in the process. This is beneficial to both of you for a variety of reasons, but should not be taken lightly.
The contract will clearly state what service the agent is going to perform for you, the duration of time for your agreement, and what you will pay if that service is completed.
So do you have the right to terminate the contract and “fire” your agent if you are unhappy with their performance? The answer really depends on the language in your contract. In the Kansas City area, the Exclusive Buyer Agency Contract and the Exclusive Right to Sell Contract do not include overt language about cancelling the agreements. Your agent could fight back and expect you to honor the agreement … or pay to get out of it.
However, good agents will understand when a relationship simply is not working and will release you from your agreement. Make the effort to have that conversation or meet with an attorney to explore your options.